Maître Coutelier depuis 1902 - Thiers
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The luxury soul, the knife star

The family factory Claude Dozorme has not stopped offering a cutlery ever bolder, inventive and imprinted with the codes of haute couture or jewelery.

L’Ame luxe, la star des couteaux

All around the world, many prestigious establishments (La Tour d’Argent in Paris, Royal Hotel of Evian les Bains or Jean-Georges in New York to name a few) do not hesitate to dress their knife tables branded by the famous brand with the head of a wolf.

It is for this new clientele, whose luxury is a daily reality, that the factory has designed a brand new knife called “L’Ame Luxe”.


A new creation by Thomas Bastide

For this last creation, the cutlery Claude Dozorme has once again approached Thomas Bastide, a famous designer. After having reinterpreted Le Thiers® twice already, Thomas Bastide has reoffended with a variation of the Shadow model.

Atypical knife, the Shadow offers 2 asymmetrical handles Bakelite. For this new version, he wanted to replace one of the sides of the handle with a much finer and luxurious piece. Used to work the crystal, Thomas Bastide had the idea to add a piece of metal cut like a diamond faceted. For this, he was inspired by an existing size in the crystal of lapidaries: the diamond cut diamond he applied to one of the nickel ribs affixed to this new Le Thiers® knife.

The work done by the designer on the face of the neck is worthy of a work of goldsmith. A true declination high-jewelry!
The back of the handle is offered in black bakelite or polished matt or gloss polish according to the wishes of the customer.

Sommeliers Le Thiers - Claude Dozorme

Sommeliers Le Thiers

Clos Laguiole - Claude Dorzorme

Clos Laguiole

L’Ame Luxe, the latest addition to the Claude Dozorme range of knives, was launched at the last Maison & Objet show. A luxurious version for the famous Clos Laguiole and sommelier Le Thiers® was also previewed on this occasion.

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Claude Dozorme in the China’s conquest

Claude Dozorme à la conquête de la ChineWhile the Dozorme cutlery storms the Chinese market, its manager Claudine Dozorme has decided to surround herself with experts to accelerate her commercial approach. At his side, Rui Ytournel, a bubbly young woman of Chinese origin settled in Auvergne since 2004.

“I came to France in 2004 to study. I then worked in a forge and learned the work of the material.” Rui explains. Commercial export for 5 years, she decided in 2017 to create her company to support companies in the Auvergne region in their export development projects.

Open internationally to develop new markets

Claude Dozorme à la conquête de la Chine“I met Claudine Dozorme at a family meal because I am the neighbor of her parents. My father-in-law is also a cutler near Thiers. She then invited me to visit her factory and found her products very successful.”, recalls Rui. The two women exchange, complicity sets in … Rui accompanies Claudine on shows such as Maison & Objet in Paris and Ambiente in Frankfurt. Together, they then go to China for a week to meet prospects, to immerse themselves in the culture, customs, and identify the possibilities of commercial exploitation.

Today, Rui develops export-related devices and organizes contacts in the field. “At the beginning of the year, I created a Wechat account for the Claude Dozorme brand. It is an application used by almost all companies and a large majority of Chinese. There, we exchange our Wechat accounts more easily.”

Exporting French art de vivre: between challenges and opportunities

Let it be said, marketing knives in a country where you eat with chopsticks is a big challenge. But the brand can rest on the made in France which always has the wind in its sails, as Rui explains: “France has a good image with the Chinese public who equates the manufactured in France with the big luxury brands and other products top of the line. Our target: professionals and 5 star hotel-restaurants. Individuals are also becoming interested in the arts of the table and buy more and more sommeliers, champagne sabers.”

Another asset and not least: The Manufacture Claude Dozorme is able to manufacture unique pieces, customized and tailor-made and in small series. “That’s what the Chinese like.” Rui says before continuing: “The Chinese are also very sensitive to design. It’s a very strong selling point that allows the brand to position itself more easily on the market.”

Les couteaux Dozorme à la conquête de la Chine
Boutique Claude Dozorme en Chine
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Restitution of the first works of Charlotte Charbonnel, in residence at Claude Dozorme

Last Thursday, June 20, 2019, Charlotte Charbonnel, the Parisian artist in residence at Claude Dozorme since the beginning of the year, has unveiled its first creative tracks, fruit of its working sessions within the cutlery. A first release pending full exposure from its work on metals, scheduled for June 2020.

Charlotte Charbonnel et Claudine Dozorme

Named Nucleus and installed in the Cave of the contemporary art center “Le Creux de l’enfer”, this installation features multiple arrows made from skeletons of damask metal, with the help of the employees of the Thiers factory. Installation imprinted dioramas of the nineteenth century (reproduction of scenes of wildlife), it illustrates a life-size hunting scene. Stuck in the rock or suspended arrows, objects at once precious and almost primitive, encamp the astonishing and archaic image of a suspended attack, stopped in its tracks.

Using the complex technique of Damascus, Charlotte Charbonnel has also tested several assembly, cutting and revelation experiments. These experiments are to be admired in his work Fulgure, also exhibited in the Cave.

Vitrine du Creux de l'Enfer

Photo credit : © G. Maroni – DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes


Photo credit : © G. Maroni – DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

The opening took place at the center of contemporary art, Le Creux de l’enfer in the presence of many guests including Claudine Dozorme and her team come in number to discover the work of Charlotte Charbonnel. It must be said that as Claudine Dozorme emphasizes, “the team proved to be in contact with Charlotte. Week after week, they were waiting for him. They were very generous to her and were able to meet all her technical expectations. It is a very beautiful experience that allows to show other aspects of the cutlery and to value differently the basin of Thiers “.

Claudine Dozorme et son équipe

Photo credit : © G. Maroni – DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Nucleus and Fulgure by Charlotte Charbonnel, works that are both powerful and poetic to discover until September 22, 2019 in Creux de l’enfer.

Technical information
Variable dimensions
Design year: 2019
Materials: Damascus steel, brass, pump and sound device

5 cm x 200 cm
Design year: 2019
Materials: Damascus steel

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Charlotte Charbonnel in residence at Claude Dozorme

Since February 14, 2019, the Claude Dozorme cutlery welcomes the artist Charlotte Charbonnel.

Charlotte Charbonnel en résidence chez Claude Dozorme

Photo credit : Jodie Way

This project is part of the program “Residences en entreprise” set up by the Ministry of Culture in 2014 and led by the DRAC (Regional Directorates of cultural affairs). Today, 15 residences are spreading throughout France, including 3 in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, whose vocation is to bring together cultural structures, artists and companies.
In Thiers in Puy-de-Dôme, it was under the impetus of Michel Prosic, former sub-prefect of Thiers and current Regional Director of the DRAC, that this project was initiated between Charlotte Charbonnel, the cutlery Claude Dozorme and Le Creux de l’enfer, contemporary art center.


A residence initiated by Le Creux de l’enfer

It is in the heart of the Vallée des Usines, along the Durolle, that is the center of contemporary art, Le Creux de l’enfer led since 8 March by Sophie Auger-Grappin. She was immediately interested in the artist residency project which meets the many objectives she has set for herself: to enhance the socio-economic fabric of the area, to combine contemporary art and craftsmanship, technical skills and scientific knowledge, and finally, have the site recognized at a national level.

Résidence d'artiste au Creux de l'Enfer à Thiers

Photo credit : Massimo Lenzo

The meeting with Claudine Dozorme immediately reinforced her choice of residence within the cutlery “Claudine immediately expressed her interest in welcoming Charlotte Charbonnel while leaving her free from her movements and her actions. We must indeed be able to trust the artist, that he can develop his own work without being instrumentalized. For the artist, it was necessary to find someone open, curious and able to work in collaboration because for a residence to work, it is necessary that the 2 parts are in the dialogue, that they communicate. With Charlotte Charbonnel, protean artist very cultivated and very curious, the project was announced under the best auspices”.


Cutlery, a new field of experimentation for Charlotte Charbonnel

Charlotte Charbonnel en résidence chez Claude Dozorme

Photo credit : Jodie Way

For this first residence in business, Charlotte Charbonnel leaves her comfort zone. Accustomed to creating a work from an idea, she makes the opposite way to her creative process.

It starts from the cutler know-how specific to Dozorme manufacture and confronts machines and men to build its project. “Every time I visit, every worker takes time to explain the different materials and manufacturing steps. There is a real exchange, it’s very motivating. Alongside Jérôme Ollier, one of the workshop workers, I was able to experiment with stamping technics. He showed me the gestures and guided me on my first manipulations. He lives knife, breathes knife, it’s an integral part of his DNA. He does not even realize the gold he has in his hands.”


A cohabitation that makes sense

Charlotte Charbonnel en résidence chez Claude Dozorme

Photo credit : Jodie Way

Cutlery employees are therefore privileged witnesses of a creative process that takes a fresh look at their own activity and must contribute to changing their perception of the art world.

A wonderful opportunity for Dozorme cutlery, as Claudine Dozorme points out, “our factory must be disconnected from its economic contingencies. It must refocus on the human aspect. To be there to promote beautiful encounters, promote a know-how and federate employees around an ambitious artistic project “.
A beautiful way to bring contemporary art into the often very compartmentalized world of business.

On June 20, 2019, Charlotte Charbonnel will present her first creative tracks at Creux de l’enfer.


Who is Charlotte Charbonnel?

At just 39, Charlotte Charbonnel is an unclassifiable artist. At the same time visual artist, painter, sculptor but also designer, scenographer, soundman, researcher or even alchemist, this graduate of the Beaux-Arts of Tours and the Decorative Arts of Paris, does not stop wanting to weave invisible links that unite the elementary matters. Her work derives from empirical research with multiple inputs: listening and capturing materials or natural phenomena, exploring the different states of matter, meticulous observation of elusive substances … She thus finds in undecided fluids, capricious waves, clouds, fumes, or other hazy forms, an unlimited field of experimentation. For this urban artist who lives and works in Paris, Nature invariably remains her greatest source of inspiration. She draws her energy and creativity without limit in the service of her works.

Œuvre - Charlotte Charbonnel

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At SIRHA in Lyon for the finale of “Maître d’Hôtel Trophy”

The beginning of the year starts strongly for the cutlery Dozorme!

After a successful participation in Maison & Objet show in Paris, the family-owned factory is heading to Lyon. Direction Sirha, the world meeting for catering and hospitality!

Au SIRHA à Lyon pour la finale du Trophée du Maître d’Hôtel

Photo credit : Diph Photography

It is at the heart of this temple of gastronomy dedicated to professionals that will take place the final of the 2nd edition of the butler’s Trophy, Saturday, January 26. Trophy whose manufacture is a partner for the first time.

Au SIRHA à Lyon pour la finale du Trophée du Maître d’Hôtel

Photo credit : Diph Photography

Organized by the Association Service à la Française, « Maître d’Hôtel Trophy » honors room service. During the grand final held at Sirha, 6 candidates will showcase the excellence, tradition and innovation of the profession through different tests: service art, well-being, cocktail, professional culture, sommelier and beverage. They will be submitted to the expert and informed eye of a prestigious jury composed of more than 20 professionals, MOF and other big names in the profession, including Claudine Dozorme.
The knives of the manufacture will not be outdone during this Trophy since they will be used by the candidates during the test of bread and that around the scallop.

Au SIRHA à Lyon pour la finale du Trophée du Maître d’Hôtel

Photo credit : Diph Photography

At the initiative of this trophy, four passionate people who act daily to promote the service trades and the tableware: Denis Férault – MOF Maître d’Hôtel and headmaster of the Lycée Paul Augier in Nice, Hervé Parmentier – Director of the restaurant Pierre Gagnaire in Paris, Denis Courtiade – Director of the Alain Ducasse restaurant at the Plaza Athénée in Paris, Stéphane Trapier – Director of La Tour d’argent restaurant in Paris and Patrick Chauvin – MOF Maître d’Hôtel and managing director of Lycée Albert de Mun in Paris.

A competition designed to promote the trades of the room and the art of service because we can never repeat it enough, the art of the table is a major art!

Au SIRHA à Lyon pour la finale du Trophée du Maître d’Hôtel

Photo credit : Diph Photography

But Dozorme manufacture will not stop there. She will also be present on a dedicated stand to discover all her latest innovations in the field of kitchen knives or table knives. Among the products on display, the focus will be on its range of Laguiole by Dozorme knives and Le Thiers® by Dozorme.

So to find out more about the universe of the factory from Thiers, go to Sirha from 26 to 30 January 2019!

In practice
From 26 to 30 January 2019
Stand Dozorme 6D103

Maître d’hôtel Trophy
Saturday, January 26, 2019 – From 14h to 18h
Plus d’infos sur Facebook

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Dozorme knives as a distinguished guest at La Tour d’Argent

Who has not dreamed of crossing the sumptuous iron gate that marks the entrance to La Tour d’Argent to spend an exceptional moment in a house steeped in history? Mecca of French gastronomy, which has seen the greatest, from crowned heads to rock stars through the heads of state, La Tour d’Argent fascinates and cannot leave indifferent…
It must be said that the beauty of the place, its breathtaking view of Paris and its gastronomic table between tradition and creation make it a very popular place.

In this internationally renowned establishment, the French art de vivre is erected as a major art form. From the reception, to the refinement of the decor via the exceptional quality of the dishes on offer, nothing is left to chance. Room service also has its codes. Fascinating, it demands rigor and precision. This pursuit of excellence, this attention to detail, this ceremony contributes to the renown of French gastronomy.

La Salle Jour de la Tour d'Argent - Crédit photo : Herminie Philippe

La Salle Jour of La Tour d’Argent – Photo credit : Herminie Philippe


Stéphane Trapier

Stéphane Trapier

It is in this unique setting that we find the brand Dozorme. For 2 years, the cutlery industry in Thiers has collaborated with this national heritage monument for the cutting of an emblematic dish of the establishment “duck with blood” or “duckling Frédéric Delair”. Stéphane Trapier, Director of the restaurant, explains “Born in 1890 under the leadership of Frédéric Delair, maître d’hôtel became owner in the mid-nineteenth century, this recipe is fully codified. It requires a very specific cut that requires to have very good knives. In the past, we had the opportunity to test the Dozorme kitchen knives through the Federation des Fromagers de France, which collaborates with the cutlery industry. The cutting edge and design of the Dozorme knives combined with the invaluable know-how of this century-old brand have immediately seduced us”.

For the “Frédéric Delair duckling” cut, Stéphane Trapier chose two Dozorme knives with very specific characteristics: the 1902 and Haute Cuisine. Proposed with its handle in Rosewood, the 1902 kitchen knife has a fairly rigid blade that allows lifting the thighs. As for the Haute Cuisine knife, its blade more flexible allows precision work, ideal for lifting the breasts.
These 2 Dozorme knives are also used for cutting lamb or foie gras.

Couteau 1902 par la coutellerie Claude Dozorme

The 1902 knive by Dozorme’s cutlery

Couteau Haute Cuisine par la coutellerie Claude Dozorme

The Haute Cuisine knive by Dozorme’s cutlery

Knives of exception for exceptional products in a place of exception!

La Tour d’Argent
15 quai de la Tournelle
75005 Paris
+33 (0)1 43 54 23 31

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L’Hôtel Royal***** d’Évian-les-Bains highlights Dozorme’s cutlery

It’s in an exceptional environment on Lake Geneva’s shores that we find the knives Claude Dozorme, within the very chic and very prestigious Royal hotel of Evian-les-Bains.

Hôtel Royal***** d'Evian-les-Bains

Located in the heart of a private estate of 19 hectares, the 5-star hotel, which received the Palace label in 2016, dominates the heights of Evian-les-Bains offering breathtaking views of Lake Geneva and the French and Swiss Alps.

In this rare place of French luxury, the arts of the table must always be flawlessly. That’s why Dozorme cutlery is present in this sophisticated establishment, especially in Les Fresques restaurant. Recently awarded with a star in the Michelin Guide, the establishment offers an inventive and refined cuisine under the leadership of Chef Patrice Vander. On the menu, there are some classics, such as wild sea bream marinated in mango, wokame and caviar Osciètre, Bresse’s chicken, supreme studded foie gras with herbs and yellow wine or “dishes collections”.

Here, the pieces signed Dozorme invite themselves on the tables, but not in simple knives laid on the tablecloth. The knives are proposed to the client, expertly staged in an oak cabinet. The customer has the choice between four table knives manufactured within the cutlery of Thiers: a Laguiole , a Le Thiers®, a Capuchin or a Shuttle 6.16. Proof of their success with a clientele accustomed to exceptional products, the establishment recently offers for sale, in its shop, the 4 models of knives that contribute to the reputation of the manufacture.

Couteau de table Claude Dozorme - Le Thiers®

Le Thiers® – Table knives Claude Dozorme

Couteau de table Claude Dozorme - Le Capucin

Capuchin – Table knives Claude Dozorme

Couteau de table Claude Dozorme - Navette 6.16

Shuttle 6.16 – Table knives Claude Dozorme

For cheese service, everything is orchestrated in the rules of the art. The establishment opted for the complete range of Dozorme cheese knives presented in an elegant leather pouch. So, whether they be soft, pressed, cooked, uncooked, marbled or goat cheese, with each cheese, a knife for a perfectly tailored cut.

Pochette couteaux à fromages Dozorme

Range of cheese knives – Dozorme cutlery

And the partnership does not stop there! Soon, the entire sommellerie team will be equipped with custom Dozorme corkscrews at the initiative of Loïc Chavasse-Frette, sommelier in chief.
Finally, to deepen the cutlery knowledge of the restaurant staff, “cutlery” workshops will even be offered.
For Sébastien Caquelard, Director of Operations in charge of catering “it goes without saying that through this partnership, the Royal Hotel is much more than just a prescriber but a true ambassador of French know-how embodied by the Dozorme cutlery. We are very proud of this collaboration, which is highly appreciated by our customers. We have very good feedback on Claude Dozorme knives. We are all the more pleased that this collaboration was set up following a visit by Claudine Dozorme, as an individual. In a totally impromptu way! “.

Hôtel Royal*****
Avenue des Mateirons
74500 Evian-les-Bains
+33 (0)4 50 26 50 50

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  • Claude Dozorme

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    Z.A. Racine | Quartier Fontane
    63650 La Monnerie - Le Montel

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